
Course Information

Teleturgics I: A Liturgical Pract. (LITG 5301)

Term: Academic Year 2015-2016 Fall


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


Fri, 9:10 AM - 10:30 AM (8/31/2015 - 12/18/2015) Location: MAIN CHAPL CHAPL


A liturgical practicum designed to help the candidate for ordination develop a liturgical ethos, style, and presence. The course offers an analysis of the structural elements of the divine services and instruction on the use of the liturgical books of the Orthodox Church. The course is especially concerned to help the student develop skills for the proper conduct and celebration of the divine services. The class allows for role-playing and analysis. Teleturgics I deals specifically with vespers, orthros the preparatory rites for the Divine Liturgy, i.e., Kairos, vesting and proskomide. The development, care and meaning of vestments is also dealt with.