Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Christian Unity: Is It Possible? (CHST 7002)
Term: Academic Year 2019-2020 Fall
Mon, 2:40 PM - 5:00 PM (8/26/2019 - 12/18/2019) Location: MAIN CLASS 110
In 1920, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople became one of the first world centers of Christianity to encourage ecumenical dialogue. Almost 100 years later, has that original vision held true? Is Christian unity possible, given the growth of denominations, the movement against denominations and the tensions within individual Christian churches? This course will explore the role the Orthodox Church has played in the ecumenical movement, and its interaction with other Christian churches. We will begin by looking at the reasons for the divisions within Christianity and what has been done to overcome those divisions.This course fulfills the World1 Religions/Ecumenism requirement.