Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Heresy and Orthodoxy in Byzantium (CHST 7127)
Term: Academic Year 2018-2019 Spring
Thu, 2:10 PM - 4:30 PM (1/14/2019 - 5/19/2019) Location: MAIN CLASS 112
This seminar examines several key moments in Byzantine history in which both church and state were involved in debates over heresy and orthodoxy. Beginning with the influential work of Epiphanios of Salamis, the course will cover such controversies as Iconoclasm, dualism (Paulicians and Bogomils), controversy with the Latin west, philosophical challenges of John Italus, and Palamism. Particular attention will be paid to the theological and historical construction of ?orthodoxy? in the 9th-11th centuries and how the Byzantine Church utilized a variety of means to support and express its orthodoxy.