Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Business Communication (MGMT 2611)
Term: Academic Year 2016-2017 Fall
Mon, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (8/29/2016 - 12/22/2016) Location: MAIN CLASS 221
Composition course emphasizing planning, organizing, and presenting written business communications for decision making. Use of computer software programs integrated in the writing of business correspondence and reports. The purpose of communication is to inform. In today?s global business environment it is more important than ever to understand your audience and provide clear, concise, and professional communication in the appropriate medium. This foundational course introduces the student to effective written, oral, and behavioral business communication. Through experimental activities and assignments students explore the fundamentals of interpersonal dynamics, group problem solving, and informative presentations and briefings. In addition, students learn techniques for clarifying purpose, organizing ideas, writing to the audience, and creating engaging presentations. Exercises include explaining changes in policy, analyzing survey results, proposals, reporting, negotiations