Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Investments & Portfolio Management (MGMT 3245)
Term: Academic Year 2011-2012 Spring
Thu, 2:10 PM - 4:30 PM (1/18/2012 - 5/18/2012) Location: MAIN CLASS 110-A
This course provides a comprehensive overview of types of investments available and their management. It examines how an investor can construct and manage a portfolio of financial securities based on his or her personal goals, time frame, and risk tolerance. Topics include modern portfolio theory, fundamentals and technical analysis of derivatives, concentrated equity positions, fixed income, analysis, bench-marking, capital markets, appropriate use of mutual funds, the importance of assets allocation, tax-efficient portfolio design and performance evaluation, IRAs, and 401Ks. Attention is given to interest rates, inflation, the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank, and general economic policy as it pertains to these topics. Emphasis is placed on a practical rather than theoretical approach.