Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Byzantine Music X (MUSB 6881)
Term: Academic Year 2018-2019 Spring
Wed, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (1/14/2019 - 5/19/2019) Location: MAIN MALIO D
The material taught in this course is equivalent to the material taught in the 5th year of Greek conservatories and provides comprehensive preparation for the final examination required for a Holy Ctoss Certificate in Byzantine Music. Students are expected to become competent in perfoming more technically demanding repertoire, including Petros Bereketis' eight-mode composition Theotoke Parthene, the Athenian funeralTrisagion, kalophonic heirmoi and kratimata in all eight modes, and a selection of verses from Koukouzelis' Anoixantaria. Prerequisites: Byzantine Music I-V