Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Introduction to the Old Testament (OLDT 4001)
Term: Academic Year 2025-2026 Fall
Mon, 9:10 AM - 10:30 AM (8/25/2025 - 12/17/2025) Location: MAIN ONL SYNC
The Introduction to the study of the Old Testament is not, and cannot be, a substitute of the Old Testament, but rather a preparatory step, a reading guide, and a candid invitation to reading the Old Testament. The course is divided into two parts. The General Introduction deals with the Old Testament as history, literature, and part of the living tradition. The following topics are discussed in detail: unity in diversity of the Christian Bible, biblical text, biblical canon, and relationship between Scripture and Tradition. The Special Introduction survey the books of the Old Testament (including the anaginoskomena) and focuses on some theological themes rooted in the Pentateuch and running throughout the Old and New Testaments along with their interpretations within various hermeneutical contexts (Jewish, Christian, modern scholarship). The two themes discussed here are God and humanity.