Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Religious Education (PAST 5301)
Term: Academic Year 2016-2017 Fall
Mon-Wed, 2:10 PM - 3:30 PM (8/29/2016 - 12/22/2016) Location: MAIN CLASS 114
This course will explore basic questions related to the ministry of education in the life of the Orthodox Christian parish in North America. We will use the following questions as the basic organizing principles: Why do we teach in the Church? What is the goal of education in the Church? Does the Church have a curriculum? What can we learn from Acts 2:42-47 for parishes today? Who are we teaching? What are some approaches to the education of Christians? Who is going to teach? What is the role of the teacher? Because the class also has a field component through the Field Education program, where it is assumed that the students are teaching Sunday school, presenting the Faith to OCF groups, or working in educational settings, students will have the opportunity and will be expected to apply these skills in their field setting. Finally, there will be ample opportunity throughout the semester to reflect theologically on the experience of handing forward the Orthodox Christian faith.