Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Theology Of Pastoral Care II (PAST 6022)
Term: Academic Year 2014-2015 Spring
Mon-Wed, 2:10 PM - 3:30 PM (1/14/2015 - 5/15/2015) Location: MAIN CLASS 221
Theology of Pastoral Care II is intended to build upon Theology of Pastoral Care I by presenting a framework for understanding contemporary pastoral issues through the lens of Orthodox theology of the person, sickness, healing, and salvation. This class is not intended to provide you with the 'right' answers for pastoral decisions. Rather, this course is designed, through the readings, class discussions, and assignments to develop your understanding of Orthodox pastoral care and your thinking as an Orthodox Christian and future minister/pastor. The models of Orthodox Pastors/Saints explored in the first semester class serve as witnesses to the Orthodox pastoral care framework we will develop and discuss this semester as we explore contemporary pastoral issues, and secular theories and research. Particular attention will be placed on understanding how to access and integrate current secular knowledge into an Orthodox worldview todevelop an appropriate pastoral response. Students will be