Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Grief, Death, and Dying (PAST 6601)
Term: Academic Year 2022-2023 Spring
One cannot overstate the significance of death, and preparing for death, in understanding life and, particularly, life in Christ. Pastors and ministers are certain to be called upon to minister to those facing death and those grieving the loss of a loved one. In this course, students will develop a pastoral approach to the dying and those experiencing grief through a survey the existing literature on grief and bereavement in the context of the Orthodox theology of life after death. Students will explore the art and skill of ministering to the dying and the bereaved and develop their understanding of a theological framework for caring for the dying and the bereaved. Necessarily, this topic will touch upon our own personal experiences of loss and death, and students will be invited to explore how their own beliefs and experiences can inform and enhance their pastoral approach.