Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
The Missiology of Arch. Anastasios (PAST 7210)
Term: Academic Year 2009-2010 Summer 1
The course will study in depth the life, missiology and writings of Archbishop Anastasios (Yannoulatos) of Albania, focusing on the foundation and calling of missions, and the practical living out of missions. We will consider the decade long ministry of the Archbishop in East Africa (1981-1991) and then the resurrection of the Church of Albania over the past 30 years (1991-2020), examining and analyzing the successes of how the church has succeeded in living out the missiology of the Archbishop, and where the church has not yet lived up to this missiology. We will also learn about the Orthodox Mission in Guatemala and evaluate the mission there in relation to the missiology of Archbishop Anparticipate. We will have a 10 day practical missionary outreach to Guatemala.