Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Creating a Missions Minded Parish (PAST 7321)
Term: Academic Year 2013-2014 Fall
Tue, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (9/3/2013 - 12/19/2013) Location: MAIN CLASS 223
In order to create a healthy vibrant parish, which implies being a “missions minded, outward-looking parish,” we will begin by discussing the proper theology and ecclesiology of our Church, which requires a proper understanding of the role of martyria, witness, missions, outreach and missiology in the Church. The Church is the Body of Christ, not inward-turned but other-centered on God, His creation, and all His people throughout the world. We will evaluate the present reality of our Orthodox churches in America, and ask the question, ‘How are we living out, or failing to live, this authentic theology of our Church?’ This course will help develop a dynamic and vibrant vision for a parish to become healthy and ‘missions minded.’ This will include: 1) how to teach and equip the faithful in our churches, 2) how to reach out to the lapsed and unchurched Orthodox; 3) how to understand and reach out to the unchurched or none religious of America; 4) how to offer a witness to non-Orthodox Chr