Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Introduction To Orthodox Missiology (PAST 7361)
Term: Academic Year 2012-2013 Spring
Tue, 6:40 PM - 9:00 PM (1/17/2013 - 5/17/2013) Location: MAIN CLASS 110
We will study the biblical, theological, liturgical, and his-torical perspective of Orthodox missiology, emphasizing how missions should be an essential element of the Or-thodox Church's identity?on the individual, local par?ish, and archdiocesan level. We will discuss the various missiological methods and characteristics throughout the centuries. We will be introduced to the latest concepts and debates in missiological circles, looking at world statistics, unreached peoples, the 10/40 window, tent-making, evangelism to closed countries, and mobilizing the local church to respond to the needs of today.