Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Psychology of Addiction (PSYC 3305)
Term: Academic Year 2017-2018 Spring
Wed, 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM (1/16/2018 - 5/18/2018) Location: MAIN CLASS BOORA
This course will focus primarily on: (1) the nature of commonly used and abused substances; (2) the psychosocial and neurobiological understandings of substance use, misuse, and addiction; (3) the treatment approaches that are informed by the cognitive, psychodynamic, behavioral, and experimental traditions; (3) relevant insights from the various self-help movements; (4) scientific perspectives derived from social psychology/sociology and behavioral pharmacology; and (5) different views on drug policy. Students are required to do 20 volunteer hours.Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology