Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Religion & Political Violence (RELG 3540)
Term: Academic Year 2012-2013 Fall
Tue, 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (9/4/2012 - 12/20/2012) Location: MAIN CLASS 224
The scope of this course is to examine the role of religion in political violence and to serve as an introduction into faith-based diplomacy. Structured into two parts, this course will first analyze various types of fundamentalism, Zionism, the laws of jihad, and politico-religious terrorism. In the second part we will explore the history and politics of ethno-religious conflicts in the Balkans, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Rwanda, and the Middle East, contrasted with the basic tools of a case-oriented religious diplomacy. Once completed, it is expected thatthis course will enable the student to ascertain the extent to which religion and religious diplomacy can be an effective tool in diminishing political violence and working towards peacemaking.