Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Genesis in Orthodox Life (RELG 3910)
Term: Academic Year 2017-2018 Fall
Tue-Thu, 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM (8/28/2017 - 12/20/2017) Location: MAIN CLASS BOORA
The book of Genesis with its history of Creation and the Salvation history starting from the Messianic promise in Gen. 3:15, is arguably a microcosm of the Pentateuch, if not the entire Old Testament -- the overrarching themes of Genesis and their theological implications are reflected in every book of the Bible. As such, about two thirds of all the Old Testament themes in Orthodox worshop relate to the book of Genesis, weheras the themes of the Old Testament are present in every divine worship service. The history of reception, i.e. the reflection of "Genesis" in the life of the Church, will be mirrored in the following aspects: (1) liturgical cycles (daily and annual), (2) hymnography, (3) iconography, (4) church and architecture, (5) typology of scriptural charachters and prototypes, (6) and sacramental theology. The view of the Scripture through the totality of these discrete areas will give the students an integrated perspective on the life of Scripture in Orthodox life and worshi