Spring Break 3/10-3/14: No Classes/Administrative Offices Open
Church, Missions and Cultures (RELG 4233)
Term: Academic Year 2018-2019 Spring
Tue-Thu, 9:10 AM - 10:30 AM (1/14/2019 - 5/19/2019) Location: MAIN CLASS 112
This course will challenge students to understand the Church?s central spirit of missions and evangelism and learn how the Gospel spread across diverse cross-cultural settings throughout the centuries. The course will look at the lives, ministries and methods of some of the greatest Orthodox missionaries - the Apostle Paul, Cyril and Methodios, Innocent Veniaminov, Nicholas Kasatkin of Japan, along with contemporary missionaries like Archbishop Anastasios of Albania among others ? and study how these missionaries needed to adapt the Gospel message to be incarnated in various cultures? This class will have a Spring Break practicum to Kenya on an OCMC mission trip or to Mexico through Project Mexico.Lecture: 3 creditsLecture & Mission Trip: 4 credits