
Course Information

Greek Lyric Poetry (ANGK 4211)

Term: Academic Year 2014-2015 Fall


There is not currently a faculty member for this course


Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM (9/2/2014 - 12/19/2014) Location: MAIN CLASS 222


Greek Lyric Poetry is designed for students who wish to explore ancient Greek lyric poetry in text, art, and culture. Through extensive readings in archaic and classical Greek literature, this 3-credit course offers a comprehensive overview of Greek lyric poetry and its echoes after the classical era. The method of instruction will consist of lectures and audiovisual presentations (75%) followed by class discussions (25%). All readings are in English. Classics majors are required to do some of the readings in the original, depending on their level of proficiency in ancient Greek. Course assignments include a class field trip to the MFA and biweekly reflection papers. Students need to devote to homework a minimum of three hours per credit hour.This course has a prerequisite of English Composition I and II.