
Course Information

The Ecumenical Movement:Challenges and Opportunities (INDS 7110)

Term: Academic Year 2024-2025 Fall


Philip Joseph HalikiasShow MyInfo popup for Philip Joseph Halikias
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Tue, 9:40 AM - 12:00 PM (8/26/2024 - 12/18/2024) Location: MAIN ONL SYNC


The “Ecumenical Movement: Challenges and Opportunities” course follows but is not dependent on the previous course on the “Ecumenical Movement: The Sources” taught in the Spring of 2024. The Ecumenical Movement has presented the church with several issues that have and continue to be addressed and wrestled with ranging from ecclesiology to the eucharist, initiation to ordination, worship, and liturgy. Ecumenical relations have presented opportunities to identify key points of theological and praxis convergence and divergence across the major denominations of Christianity. Many of these challenges will be explored alongside the numerous opportunities for Christians to work across denominational lines on social services and social justice actions. Attention will be paid to the work and documents of the National Council of Churches, with supplemental documents from the World Council of Churches.