
Course Information

Principles of Financial Management (MGMT 2222)

Term: Academic Year 2017-2018 Fall


Dr. John PoirierShow MyInfo popup for Dr. John Poirier
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Office hours:
  • Tuesday 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
  • Thursday 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM
    Michael KisemboShow MyInfo popup for Michael Kisembo
    Email address is hidden, click here to email
    Email all faculty members


    Tue-Thu, 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM (8/28/2017 - 12/20/2017) Location: MAIN CLASS 113


    This course explores the concepts and techniques for
    determining the need for the acquisition and management of
    capital resources in for-profit and non-profit organizations.
    The course includes such topics as financial analysis,
    forecasting, leverage, capital budgeting, time value of money,
    investment banking, common and preferred stock, financing,
    and bond evaluation.