
Course Information

Health Care Management (MGMT 2812)

Term: Academic Year 2015-2016 Spring


Jason DupuisShow MyInfo popup for Jason Dupuis
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Wed-Fri, 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM (1/25/2016 - 5/20/2016) Location: MAIN CLASS 221


Health Care Management provides an overview of key issues in the management and administration of comprehensive health care facilities. The course focuses on the administrator's relationship to the medical professions and assesses the attributes of the various types of health service organizations. Students will discuss and analyze problems and issues associated with management of health care organizations and differences between various types of organizations. This course focuses on hospitals, mental care centers, long-term care facilities, managed care organizations, and community clinics and an introduction to special terminology, culture, and behavior patterns that characterize these organizations with emphasis on implications for administration of health care services. Students will discuss and analyze economic factors bearing on the costs and affordability of health care, public perceptions, attitudes, and political pressures as they affect demand for health services including r