Scriptures & Psychology (PSYC 4510)
Term: Academic Year 2015-2016 Spring
Tue-Thu, 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM (1/25/2016 - 1/26/2016) Location: MAIN CLASS 210
Tue, 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM (1/25/2016 - 5/20/2016) Location: MAIN CLASS 110
Thu, 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM (1/25/2016 - 5/20/2016) Location: MAIN ADMIN FACUL
This course examines central themes shared by the disciplines of psychology and religion, addressing personalities, relationships, and interactions described in the Bible. This course examines similarities and differences in how both psychological and spiritual perspectives render an interdependent understanding of the scriptural message. Prerequisite: General Psychology and one religion course.